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Revision as of 23:36, 22 December 2005 by Mucht (Talk | contribs) (Old Games)

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#openttdcoop games list

Current Games

Update: Since Brianetta's server has a very good performance with our 1024x1024 bigmap game, we can continue on that. The latest save is uploaded and paused. The server has been upgraded to r3320.

Currently there is a 512x512 game going on. It is a cargo game with monorails.

If you login, immediately go to sign "!Network Design" to see whats going on in this game. For a better understanding: the goal is to connect the big stations directly to a mainline.

The rest is similar to the previous game: 3-tile-trains, signaling each 2nd tile, don't add to many trains and keep an eye on signaling.

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