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Official Page: http://openttdcoop.ppcis.org/osqc

The Idea

OSQC is the #openttdcoop Scenario Quest/Competition. The main idea is to solve the quests of a given scenario and to play it. Finding a creative and good solution is another key point, because after one month we are going to nominate a winner of the monthly #osqc. The Winner will be announced and the savegame archived in a Hall of Fame. The competitive factor encourages the players to show their best skills and think about the game. #openttdcoop is not only ‘building and playing together’, it is also high quality gaming at the bleeding edge of features and possibilities in OpenTTD.

The Game Criteria

  • Did the player solve the game-quests?
  • How did he build (Terraforming, Style, Techniques (Balancing, Prios, etc.)
  • Network flow, Jams, amount of vehicles, trains, planes, ships
  • Special factors
  • …more?


# Name Date Sign Up
1 "The Bottleneck" 01-01-2008 - 31-01-2008 You can
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