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Stable Server

Welcome to the Quckstart for the Stable competition server.

What you will need

  • OpenTTD Manual
  • IRC
    In addition to just connecting to the IRC channel, it would be wise to pay attention to the 'topic', as it is often updated with FAQ info about the current game on the Stable Server.
    The topic is usually shown in the main chat window upon channel joining, and at the top of the chat window in most GUI clients.

IRC Channel

Our IRC channel is #openttdcoop.stable. You will need an IRC client to join. The topic will be updated regularly with important information about the server.


  • Keep it fair
    • Do not block other players
    • Do not intentionally sabotage
  • Keep the terraform to a minimum
  • Please, oh please, use the chat system! You can start a chat by pressing "Enter" and entering text
  • Use decent nick, no vulgar/inappropriate nick names
    • You can change your nick via the console (press the key to the left of '1' to open it). Type: name <new-name>

Downloading the version

You can either go to openttd.org and download the latest stable, or go to the IRC channel and type:

!dl lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x


The current password for the server is:

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