MediaWiki API result

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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "parse": {
        "title": "Openttdcoop wiki:Sandbox",
        "revid": 15746,
        "text": {
            "*": "<div style=\"border: 1px solid silver; background: #EFFBF5; padding: 7px; margin-bottom: 15px;\">\n<div style=\"border: 1px solid silver; background: #001143; color: #F0F0F0; padding: 0.2em 0.4em; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 2px;\">The #openttdcoop Wiki public sandbox</div>\n<p>This is the public sandbox for The #openttdcoop Wiki. This space is used to test out wiki code and wiki page layouts.<br />\nThis page is NOT for the Sandbox server, which is used to test out road and rail layouts.  If you wish to practice your transportation network building styles, please use the <a href=\"/Public_Server\" title=\"Public Server\">Public Server</a>.</p>\n<p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Please be aware that absolutely <span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">anyone</span> can overwrite your changes and the sandbox may be blanked from time to time, so don't put anything too important here!</p>\n<p>When using this sandbox please follow these simple rules:</p>\n<ul><li> Please do not revert each other.</li>\n<li> Please leave this notice and the comments at the beginning of this page intact.</li>\n<li> Please keep things small enough not to be a hassle to testers.</li>\n<li> This page must not be moved.</li>\n<li> <b>Do not add categories to this page</b>, this includes categories added by templates like deletion templates etc..</li>\n<li> For tests of simple things, you may not even need to modify this page - just try using <b>\"Show preview\"</b> first.</li>\n<li> Please clear out the sandbox after you are done your testing so it is empty for other people who may wish to use it for testing.</li></ul>\n<p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Happy testing!</p>\n</div>\n\n<!-- \nNewPP limit report\nCPU time usage: 0.006 seconds\nReal time usage: 0.007 seconds\nPreprocessor visited node count: 8/1000000\nPreprocessor generated node count: 34/1000000\nPost\u2010expand include size: 1556/2097152 bytes\nTemplate argument size: 0/2097152 bytes\nHighest expansion depth: 2/40\nExpensive parser function count: 0/100\n-->\n\n<!-- \nTransclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)\n100.00%    1.554      1 - -total\n100.00%    1.554      1 - Template:Please_do_not_remove_this_line\n-->\n\n<!-- Saved in parser cache with key openttdcoop_wiki_2015-wiki_:pcache:idhash:3934-0!*!0!*!*!*!* and timestamp 20240610101045 and revision id 15746\n -->\n"
        "langlinks": [],
        "categories": [],
        "links": [
                "ns": 0,
                "exists": "",
                "*": "Public Server"
        "templates": [
                "ns": 10,
                "exists": "",
                "*": "Template:Please do not remove this line"
        "images": [],
        "externallinks": [],
        "sections": [],
        "displaytitle": "Openttdcoop wiki:Sandbox",
        "iwlinks": [],
        "properties": []