Backbone Hub

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Revision as of 23:34, 22 October 2009 by Atdt (Talk | contribs)

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An example Backbone Hub

A backbone hub (BBH) is the largest type of Hub that is built in #OpenTTDCoop. It usually consists of at least 3 cardinal directions of Mainline Track, and is also usually load balanced as well. More information on backbone hubs including building them is in the Mainline Junctions guide.


A BBH connects Mainline segments to each other, most often in 4-way or 3-way junction patterns.


A BBH must be:

  • Balanced - ie: each lane entering the BBH should be able to choose any lane leaving the BBH
  • Efficient - Trains should not have to slow down
  • Properly sized for the highest length trains in use
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