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Revision as of 01:48, 18 September 2008 by Thraxian (Talk | contribs) (Attempting to add formatting to resemble in-game signs)

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This article is a reference to the different types of communication expected to be used in coop server games.

Communication is not restricted to only the IRC and in-game chat, but through the proper use of signs, station names, and other in-game tools, players can convey information to each other. Using the formats displayed below will ensure that players can easily find information they need and that we are all consistent in our communication.

Sign List

The sign list displays an alphabetical list of all the signs in the game. To ensure that important signs are placed at the top of the list, it is common to add spaces at the front of the sign. These spaces cause the sign to float to the top of the list (spaces are alphabetically before "A").

The following conventions should be used when placing signs in coop games:


  • to improve readability on the wiki, underscore characters ("_") are used in place of spaces. Be sure to use spaces when making the actual sign.
  • trailing spaces are optional, but help make the sign symmetrical

Game-Specific Signs use 2 spaces, 2 exclamation marks, 1 space, text, 1 space, 2 exclamation marks, 2 spaces

  • __!!_MESSAGE BOARD_!!__
  • __!!_NETWORK PLAN_!!__
  •   !! MESSAGE BOARD !!  
  •   !! MESSAGE BOARD !!  
  •   !! MESSAGE BOARD !!  

Note: As evident in some of the above examples, I am attempting to make these signs look like OpenTTD signs. I am trying to create a template to easily allow signs to be added. Once the bugs are worked out, all the bulleted items will be converted to look like in-game signs.

Hubs use 2 spaces, hubname (BBH or SLH with two-digit number), 1 space, author (slash followed by name)

  • __BBHxx_/author
  • __SLHxx_/author

Other signs:

  • Todo Signs should use .... (need notation for this. Possibly prefix with "_+")
  • Problem Detection Signs should use ... (need notation for this. Possibly prefix with "_!")

Station Names

All major stations should be named using a specific format. Major stations include the stations marked on the plan as drop/pickup stations, as well as major transfer stations (like pax ICE terminals). Other stations (like primary industries) can optionally use a prefix to assist in sorting.

Major Stations use 1 space, industry type in all caps, 1 space, optional identifer and 1 space, PICKUP or DROP


ICE Terminals use 1 space, then a 3-character city identifier, and an optional directional indicator

  • _DNW

Minor Stations can optionally use a prefix to group them together (no leading spaces), or a suffix to indicate cargo type, and are typically mixed-case

  • Author:StationName
  • SL##:StationName
  • Fruntleigh_North_Livestock

Train Groups

Trains may be grouped according to cargo type, route (especially with ICE), or other criteria. The group names should be self-explanatory. When cloning a train, the new train will belong to the same group as the one it was cloned from.

(need additional info here)

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