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IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is used to improve the communication between all players and friends of #openttdcoop.

Channel: #openttdcoop + Server: / irc://

If you want to join our community, you will need an IRC client. We therefore recommend one of these clients:

If you installed the client, connect to the OFTC IRC network. For further details and FAQ see .
Alternatively you can also use our webclient or Mibbit if you do not want to install anything.

To join our channel, simply type: /join #openttdcoop, or join via irc:// . Be sure to have IRC_Highlighting enabled.

Webbased IRC client (Network: OFTC and URL:

IRC Commands - NickServ

Register your nick

Registers a nickname in our database for your use. Registering your nickname ensures it is reserved for your use and cannot be used by others if you do not wish them to use it. It also allows you to associate various pieces of information with your nickname and also to have access to registered channels.

/msg nickserv register <password> <email>

Enforce identification

Enforce enables or disables nickname enforcement of your account. This means that if someone who is not not on your access list attempts to use your nickname and doesn't identify within a given period their nick will be forcefully changed.

/msg nickserv set enforce on

Reclaim your nickname

If your nickname is being held by services, as is the case if your nickname has been enforced recently, this command will release the hold and change your nickname to the nickname that you specify. This command will also free up your nickname if another user is using it and will change your current nickname to be your registered nickname if successful.

/msg nickserv ghost <nickname> <password>

Link your nickname

Link this nickname to a master nickname. This effectively creates an alias for your nickname to the master nickname.

/msg nickserv link master_nickname [password]

General Help

NickServ (Nickname services)

/msg nickserv help

ChanServ (Channel Services)

/msg chanserv help
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