IRC Commands

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Revision as of 11:14, 24 August 2006 by Osai (Talk | contribs) (centered tables)

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In our channel #openttdcoop there are 2 bots active. One bot is called "sandbox" and whenever it is on IRC you know that there is a Sandbox Game running. The second bo is called "_42_" which is giving us some additional features to the IRC channel itself.

Sandbox understands several commands and gives you the the ability to communicate with people on The Sandbox Server via our IRC channel. Just type this command in your chatline. You can also send commands to sandbox by private message (/msg) if you do not wish to disturb the flow of the channel.

Command Description
 !password Shows the actual password of the Sandbox Server in our channel
 !players Tells you how many people are playing on the Sandbox Server
 !url Shows the link to the Sandbox-Server helppage
 !version The version of Autopilot
 !wiki Shows the link to our wiki

_42_ logs our channel and gives you some statistics as well as other nice stuff:

Command Description
 !stats Shows channel statistics
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