
From #openttdcoop wiki

Revision as of 01:32, 12 September 2008 by Ammler (Talk | contribs) (My NewGRFs)

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My Person

Born: 1977, never to old for playing OTTD :)

Home: CH,


Started playing TTD: Transport Tycoon (not deluxe) was my first PC Game (around 11 years), then played TTDPatch (4 Years ago) and now since 15 months OpenTTD

Joined #openttdcoop: 1 and a half year (check history)

Specialist on: dunno

Prefers: trying something new, low terraforming

My Drafts:

My Servers

They can be used for "high usage" games, every Admin of #openttdcoop have SSH Access here too.

ottd_info_mozart.ammler.ch_3979_en.png ottd_info_mozart.ammler.ch_3980_en.png ottd_info_mozart.ammler.ch_3981_en.png ottd_info_mozart.ammler.ch_3982_en.png

My Patches

The following patches are used by me on clientside...

better NewGRF GUI

center view

by SmatZ


keep building (rail) bridges tool open:

Ctrl+drag builds last bridge type:

My NewGRFs

GRFID prefix: 4D 47 ("MG") I do list here all GRFs I am working on or already released, so I have the IDs in control. ;-)

1. Nothing 1.0

Maybe the best NewGRF ever released. ;) GRF: nothing.grf Page: nothing.grf

2. Amden

under development

3. Aircraft Modificator 1.0 beta

should bring some challenge back :) GRF: airmod.grf NFO: airmod.nfo

4. Swiss Town Names

5. #openttdcoop NewGRF package Info GRF

GRFID: 4D 47 05 01

6. Logic engine

Replaces Lev3 with max speed and power

7. French Town Names

8. Lumber Mill

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