Webbased configurator

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Revision as of 18:14, 6 October 2008 by Kommer (Talk | contribs)

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This wiki page shows the requirements, design, implementation and progress of the development of a web-based configurator for openttd.cfg. Before any design will be made, functional requirements of the system should be clear. For questions or remarks, please use the discussion page or contact Kommer on #openttdcoop

Functional Requirements

  • the web-based tool should be able to manage the configuration of the openttd.cfg configuration file.
  • it should generate server specific openttd.cfg files for all #openttdcoop servers;
  • the web-based tool should have a read only and read-write option to make it possible for users to see our config;
  • all options and new grf settings of the openttd.cfg should be changeable;

8options need to be mandatory or non-mandatory;

  • newgrfs and their options must be selectable;
  • each option should have a description of the possible values and their meaning;
  • values of options should be open or an enumeration;
  • it should be possible to upload the config file to a server using (S)ftp;
  • it should be possible to load a openttd.cfg into the webtool.

Database design

Gui design

Implementation design

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