From #openttdcoop wiki
Personal Information
Real Name: Natan Straathof
Home: Rotterdam,
Playing TTD since: around 1997, stopped several times and picked it up several times :)
Joined OTTD #openttdcoop: 2011
Some of my projects
Hybrid between a standard ML-injector and a Cyclotron.
Idea: The injected train can chose up to 4 different ML to continue its journey (1->4+NPL). If all ML's are full or temporarily occupied then the train will take the No-Pickup-Line (NPL) and will try it another time. Its different than a Cyclotron - because it easily holds multiple trains.
Future prospects: Expanding the system to 2->4+NPL or even 4->4->, for higher capacity :)
Save game: coming soon!
Some of my save games
Media:Satan Transport Coopration, 18th Mar 2194.sav Media:SRNW_NoOrders1_LoPo.sav