
From #openttdcoop wiki

Revision as of 14:40, 23 April 2009 by KenjiE20 (Talk | contribs) (Add {{merge's}})

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These are templates as used by or based on those used by Wikipedia for auto categorising articles that require editing for various reasons, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Template_messages for full information.

Current available ones are
{{expand}} - {{expand|examples and additional citations|date=September 2024}}
{{expand-section}} - {{expand-section|examples and additional citations|date=September 2024}}
{{update}} - {{update|type=section}}
{{off-topic}} - {{off-topic|article}}

Adding these to a page will auto add that page to one of the following categories;
Category:Articles to be expanded
Category:All articles to be expanded
Category:Articles in need of updating
Category:Wiki cleanup
Category:All pages needing cleanup
Category:Articles with off-topic sections
Category:Articles with fair play issues
Category:All articles with fair play issues
Category:Articles to be merged
Category:All articles to be merged

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