
From #openttdcoop wiki

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Born: 7-4-1974

Home: USA us.gif

Started playing TTD: Played the original in mid 90s, started using openttd Jan. 2011

Met #openttdcoop at: Feb. 2011

Joined #openttdcoop at: After reading every blog article and most of the wiki and trying lots of it out, I didn't actually join a game until I downloaded PSG200 and saw all the different ways you play

Specialist on: Tweaking balance and signals to get the last ounce out of existing network capacity

Prefers: New things, so many playstyles, grfs, and content to explore

Dislikes: The wait as the network forms, but before is ready to accept trains

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  • This page was last modified on 5 March 2011, at 23:59.