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Revision as of 07:32, 22 August 2008 by Dihedral (Talk | contribs)

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outline of future autopilot development


  • Information and automation
  • minute-to-minute management of the game
  • provide admin / website with information
  • bridge to irc / irc bot
  • modular / customizable (without the need of editing ap source directly)

irc bot

rfc conform

  • use irc (0.6 or later) package from tcllib (1.10 or later)
  • standard eol-style: crlf (handled by irc package)
  • ping reply asap (handeld by irc package)
  • join channel only after /end of MOTD received

important callbacks

'376' /end of MOTD (code to join channel in this callback) '332' joined channel (send /NAMES to keep internal nick list of channel) '353' reply from /NAMES (/NAMES response can appear multiple times depending on the number of clients in the channel, accumulate them) '366' /end of NAMES (process the accumulated list of channel nicks) 'MODE' a mode change occured, send /NAMES to update the internal list 'NICK' nickchange, send /NAMES 'QUIT' a user from our channel quit, send /NAMES 'PART' a user from our channel left, send /NAMES 'KICK' we were kicked from the channel 'INVITE' we have been invited to a channel 'PRIVMSG' a channel or private message (detect private message by comparing [target] with the bot's irc nick name, do this case insensitive)

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