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Revision as of 14:17, 8 August 2007 by Ammler (Talk | contribs) (TTDP moved to TTDPatch: more self explaining name)

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There exists another project along with OTTD, this project does like the name sais patch the original TTD from Chris Sawyer. Thanks to TTDPatch, we have so many nice NewGRFs.

Thats the reason, I'm making this page.


In the same manner, as we do with OpenTTD, I'll explain installing of TTDPatch also with nightly builds. (current Revision: r1697)


Requirements: wine (please add, if you have to install something else)

  1. Install a original TTD (Windows) somwhere on your system
  2. download RegisteryEditor to same directory and run it
  3. download and extract latest nightly (w32) to the same directory
  4. You need a current default GRFSet (ttdpbasew.grf, comparable to openttd.grf), download it to newgrf/.
  5. Now, you should be able to run TTDPatch with default settings and no additional newgrfs.


The installing should be almost the same. (except wine, of course)




I hade some problems with installing the "good old" configurator [TTDXC], so I took [TTDPC]


I doesn't make much sense to play without newgrfs, so here is a starting help:

  • You can use our GRF Pack here too.
  • Because the patch provide you with some cool stuff like enhanced tunnels, newindustries etc., you can also use our GRF preview pack "testing": <linktotesting>

You need to include a file called newgrfw.cfg with relative paths to all newgrfs. If you used our packs, paste this to your newgrfw.cfg:


Start with wine ttdpatchw.exe -y


It depense how well the patch works for MP mode, so we can also play a game together, somewhen?


Last, I like to collect some saves, where we can see some of the cool stuff from the patch:

(Feel free to add your own, but don't be worry, if we delete it somewhen....)

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