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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:00, 7 August 2011 PSG210.png (file) 226 KB   1
20:55, 11 March 2012 Deadend.jpg (file) 4 KB This counts as dead end of a road for town growth 1
21:24, 11 March 2012 Towndistance.png (file) 236 KB smaller 2
21:35, 11 March 2012 Towngrowingrange.png (file) 220 KB The map shows how far away towns can build houses: The houses fill the spots along the road which is 4135 tiles long. 1
21:47, 11 March 2012 Spiraltown.png (file) 132 KB Should be close to the maximal city size in the unmodified game 1
22:47, 14 March 2012 227 bbh03.png (file) 475 KB Classic LLRR hub, following the standard coop building rules. It is the oil refinery MSH of PSG227. 1
22:55, 14 March 2012 SnakeNest.png (file) 530 KB An unusual and tricky, but effective way to build a LLLLRRRR hub. 1
23:00, 14 March 2012 219 bbh04.png (file) 356 KB A massive hub with 4 lines in two directions and 5 lines in the third direction. It was upgraded and improved multiple times. 1
23:26, 14 March 2012 219 bbh03.png (file) 632 KB LLLLRRRR hub in PSG219, with some sideline constructions in the north 1
19:25, 5 April 2012 9 big towns.png (file) 347 KB A 512x512-map, filled with nine large towns. 1
16:23, 30 April 2012 Psg232 bbh23.png (file) 484 KB A 4-way BBH in PSG 232 1
21:01, 9 May 2012 Psg235.png (file) 313 KB The central passenger transfer stations in PSG 235. 1
12:26, 16 August 2012 PSG240.png (file) 954 KB Typical stations in PSG 240 - most of them were disconnected later, to focus on a few industries with high production. 1
12:31, 16 August 2012 PSG241.png (file) 471 KB A new SBahn-concept, where all connections are made outside. This allows a high density of buildings in the city. 1
19:58, 23 September 2012 PSG243.png (file) 464 KB The south-western area of PSG 243. Can you tell where the hubs begin and end? 1
17:13, 3 December 2012 NOT.png (file) 40 KB NOT gate with its two possible states 1
17:14, 3 December 2012 AND.png (file) 38 KB AND gate with signals and all possible input combinations 1
17:14, 3 December 2012 OR.png (file) 43 KB OR gate, shown with two possible inputs 1
17:16, 3 December 2012 OR prio.png (file) 21 KB Effective OR with prio-like signals. Works with absolute red (train in the block) only. 1
17:47, 5 December 2012 XOR.png (file) 48 KB XOR logic gate 1
17:50, 5 December 2012 Logic traincounter.png (file) 97 KB A very simple train counter. It can fail if the line jams. The counter train (lower left part) is released if the TL2-train blocks the NOT gate entry, but not the signal block behind and in front of it. 1
18:12, 5 December 2012 Logic forcedsplit.png (file) 68 KB A split for lost trains: If the SL (western exit) is free, the NOT gate switches the twoway signal on the ML to red. 1
16:27, 12 December 2012 PSG249.png (file) 869 KB Factory exit. You can see the use of reversers, together with a messy 3+7->7 merge. 1
17:36, 10 January 2013 PSG250.png (file) 427 KB Industry cluster with high density in PSG 250 1
15:22, 9 May 2013 PSG258.png (file) 852 KB One of the BBHs in PSG 258 1
16:28, 29 June 2013 PSG261.png (file) 605 KB A network of passenger connections 1
12:55, 29 September 2013 PSG267.png (file) 485 KB Factory area in PSG267 1
18:37, 15 October 2013 PSG268.png (file) 577 KB The most massive hub built so far 1
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