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{{Archive PublicServer Sandbox
|players={{User|XeryusTC}},  {{User|V453000}}, {{User|mfb}}, {{User|Absolutis}}, {{User|Chris Booth}}, {{User|Sylf}}, {{User|Twerkhoven}}, {{User|Tray}}, {{User|Kangoo}}, {{User|Nivlac}}, {{User|Ryton}}, {{User|Callidus}}, {{User|Mazur}}, {{User|Maraxus}}, {{User|MrD2DG}}, {{User|Iklucas}}
|mapsize=512 x 512 Temperate
|version=r22700 [[GRF|#openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0]]
|description=The main feature of this game was that all secondary industries were on one side of the map, so the network looks like one large ring, split up into three branches, which enabled us build SLHs everywhere. In the end, we had 2000 trains entering the main stations in 12 parallel lines
|imagedescription=The main merge after the stations, combined with a split into 6+6 lines}}
{{Archive PublicServer Sandbox
|players={{User|V453000}}, {{User|mfb}}, {{User|Absolutis}}, {{User|Chris Booth}}, {{User|Sylf}}, {{User|Twerkhoven}}, {{User|Kangoo}}, {{User|Nivlac}}, {{User|Ryton}}, {{User|Combuster}}, {{User|Mazur}}, {{User|Troy McClure}}, {{User|tneo}}, {{User|MrD2DG}}
|mapsize=256 x 512 Arctic
|version=r22637 [[GRF|#openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0]]
|description=There are two defining features of this game.  First, the map was loaded with Pikka's Basic Industries set.  Second, the plan that users chose used steam locomotives for the entire game.  There are two separate networks in this game; one for the primary goods taken to factories; the other to deliver produced goods to all towns on the map.  In the end, there were about 870 trains keeping 8 food processing plants, 6 paper mills and 3 factories busy.
|imagedescription=One of two food production complex in the game.  Can you count 5 FPP in this screen? }}
{{Archive PublicServer Sandbox
|players={{User|V453000}}, {{User|mfb}}, {{User|Absolutis}}, {{User|Chris Booth}}, {{User|Sylf}}, {{User|Twerkhoven}}, {{User|bmarky}}, {{User|Djarshi}}, {{User|Hylkevd}}
|mapsize=256 x 512 Tropic
|version=r22466 [[GRF|#openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0]]
|description=At the start of the game, we were informed that there are yetis hiding in the jungle.  Crazy! we thought, but we have been tasked to uncover these yetis.  So, we unfolded our plan with a handful of portable lumber mills, and start uncovering the jungles.  In the end, we built 99 lumber mills, serviced by almost 1000 wood trains using SRNW.  The same network was shared by water and food primary trains, which were not built with SRNW -- this showed that we can mix SRNW and regular design to share a common network.  In the end, we had around 1400 trains chopping the woods, and supporting the lumber chopping operations.
|imagedescription=Lumber mills everywhere, stripping the mountains! }}
{{Archive PublicServer Sandbox
|players={{User|damac}}, {{User|V453000}}, {{User|mfb}}, {{User|XeryusTC}}, {{User|Sylf}}, {{User|Chris Booth}}(Mr Extend),{{User|Twerkhoven}}, {{User|iklucas}}, {{User|Ramsus08191}}, {{User|James}}, {{User|md}}, {{User|JK}}
|mapsize=512 x 512 Temperate
|version=r22466 [[GRF|#openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0]]
|description=Yet again something new! SML used with SRNW in a different way than before. This time trains did not just shift to free space for other joining trains, but also to enable them to leave the ML (for which they were encouraged to do so, by the unreachable destination in the center of the map[BEER!]). This made the ML extremely simple; and encouraged us to fully focused on building nice city networks. The DB set transrapids did their job almost too well as always; so towns needed to be really big in order to fill up the ICE transfer stations. This resulted in many different city network styles being used, some on a smaller and some on a larger scale. The total world population was capping over 2,5 millions, which also shows the power of the transrapids. The game ended with 500 ML trains, above 1100 Sbahn trains, almost 650 road vehicles, and surprisingly also 74 ships!
|imagedescription=The map - towns almost everywhere! }}
{{Archive PublicServer Sandbox
|date=1.5.11 - 14.5.11
|players={{User|Sylf}}, {{User|V453000}}, {{User|mfb}}, {{User|ODM}}, {{User|Chris Booth}}, {{User|Mazur}}, {{User|MrD2DG}}, {{User|Twerkhoven}}, {{User|Vinnie}}, {{User|James}}, {{User|damac}},
|mapsize=512 x 512 Temperate
|version=r22375 [[GRF|#openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0]]
|description=The keyword was EX 3X AC. That is the model of trains we used - extremely powerful, slow trains that allowed us to build CL2 even with TL6. A rather ordinary network design resulted in a nice web with rather compact hubs. As the map was watery and oil rigs numerous, we decided to ignore them so we did not end up having a strong refinery. Factory made that up perfectly, and quickly became the spot of highest traffic and had to be expanded. The game ended flowing quite steadily with almost 800 trains.
|imagedescription=Factory station. }}
{{Archive PublicServer Sandbox
|players={{User|V453000}}, {{User|Sylf}}, {{User|mfb}}, {{User|SmatZ}}, {{User|Mazur}}, {{User|Intexon}}, {{User|Stoffe}}, {{User|ElecRules}}, {{User|Vinnie}}, {{User|MrD2DG}}, {{User|Chris Booth}}, {{User|mks}}, {{User|Yoshi}}, {{User|propliner}}, {{User|Twerkhoven}}
|mapsize=512 x 512 Arctic
|version=r22375 [[GRF|#openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0]]
|description=Refit madness is back in full power! This time we sticked with a simple circl-ish network, featuring 8 main stations in total. All the long train routes made the circle have a nicely spread traffic over all of it. Unlike main stations, which ended up being quite different. In later stages of the game when refit stations got under heavier stress, they mostly faced one common problem - trains were piling up in depots. Some stations were just expanded so that trains had enough time to leave the depots, and for example drop 03, the largest station of the game, even prioritized the depotted trains so they could never stack there. The ML started from LL_RR and with time it grew into a LLLL_RRRR monster accomodating over 1600 trains in total.
|imagedescription=Drop 03, with stack-proof depots and 33 platforms. }}
{{Archive PublicServer Sandbox
|players={{User|V453000}}, {{User|Sylf}}, {{User|ODM}}, {{User|Mazur}}, {{User|mfb}}, {{User|Vinnie}}, {{User|Benny}}, {{User|iklucas}}, {{User|Lukeus_Maximus}}, {{User|phoenix}}, {{User|Ramsus08191}}
|mapsize=512 x 256 Temperate
|version=r22255 [[GRF|#openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0]]
|description=A game all about a nice small map and efforts to cover it head to toe. In this game we had 2 separate networks of TGVs and cargo trains. Both networks got a lot of attention, but of course the cargo network had grown much larger. The pax network was not as massive, but had a lot of trains that were made one by one, and most of the towns were serviced quite well in the end. This was a rather simple game fully packed with fun while populating the map with 820 trains in total.
|imagedescription=Only one BBH means a lot of cooperation in one spot. }}
{{Archive PublicServer Sandbox
|players={{User|V453000}}, {{User|mfb}}, {{User|Vinnie}}, {{User|MrD2DG}},  {{User|Tray}}, {{User|Mazur}}, {{User|Sylf}}
|mapsize=512 x 512 Tropic
|version=r22255 [[GRF|#openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0]]
|description=In this game we abused many things. Starting with the monster train length 17 and abusing the fact that trains can not crash into themselves. To help us while constructing so long trains, we used curves long 1 tiles - abusing the logic engine set to 177kmh, which is CL1 for maglev. This made it possible to loop trains without losing speed, and made it much less of a pain to build. Additionally, we transfered cargoes with TL6 trains because TL17 for primary pickups is jut too much. As a result, we got a network that looked like a true spaghetti meal.
|imagedescription=BBH03 was upgraded multiple times, and shows quite some spaghetti-ness. }}
{{Archive PublicServer Sandbox
|players={{User|V453000}}, {{User|Mark}}, {{User|CyberSoul}}, {{User|Intexon}}, {{User|Vinnie}}, {{User|Sylf}}, {{User|Mazur}}, {{User|mfb}}, {{User|lych}}, {{User|MrD2DG}}, {{User|Hribek}}, {{User|Ramsus08191}}
|mapsize=512 x 512 Arctic
|version=r22148 [[GRF|#openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0]]
|description=As most arctic games do, this one also featured a nice network that followed the landscape. Unlike the other games, here we situated our ML on top of the mountains where we "Chased the Yeti". That resulted in some nice hubs on top of the mountains where usually is flat space, and some of the mergers were on the downhill slope, improving train accelerations there. Although we had some large clusters of forests, their total numbers weren't that high so we had similar levels of traffic pretty much everywhere. When we finally found the Yeti, we owned a friendly amount of 1444 trains with a really excelent flow.
|imagedescription=The wood drop wasn't as oversized as usually is in arctic game, but with addition of the food it still made for quite a large station. :) }}
{{Archive PublicServer Sandbox
|players={{User|V453000}}, {{User|CharcoalDioxide}}, {{User|Chris Booth}}, {{User|CyberSoul}}, {{User|Intexon}}, {{User|James}}, {{User|JKrueger}}, {{User|Mazur}}, {{User|mfb}}, {{User|ppetak}}, {{User|Ramsus08191}}, {{User|Razaekel}}, {{User|scrlk}}, {{User|sturmi}}, {{User|Sylf}}, {{User|Vinnie}}
|TL=TL15 for ML, TL 1-8 for SBahn
|mapsize=512 x 512 Temperate
|version=r21965 [[GRF|#openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0]]
|description=This was from the onset an attempt to beat the record world population set by PSG101: 3,075,319.  To do it, we chose the plan with a stacked ML (part tunnel/part bridge), and the map divided in 20 sectors.  Each sector has a transfer station from Sbahn to ML. and a single city.  Initially the sectors were all strictly separated, and whoever build the city there was "boss" over that sector. This led to many different solutions for the Sbahns, some better than others, and a lot of lessons about city-building. Then we got the record, with still many open spaces, so we continued building and refining, and only called it a day when we reached  6,150,671 inhabitants, doubling the previous record. Along the way we broke the train record, with the map eventually holding 2553 trains. The end result on the map is a veritable showcase of Sbahn-solutions, and a highly useful study place for Sbahn builders.
|imagedescription=The Network Plan. You will not find it in the game any more, so it is here. }}

Latest revision as of 22:19, 30 September 2013

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  • This page was last modified on 30 September 2013, at 22:19.