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{{Merge |Two-way-Signals}}
#REDIRECT [[Signals]]
{{Merge |Guides:Presignals}}
{{Merge |Signal Types}}
{{Merge |Oneway or Twoway Presignals}}
Before you start to use Automatic Signalling or Signal Dragging you should check the signal density. You can change it in the signal interface or edit the drag_signals_density value in your openttd.cfg. Make sure the value is set to two.
==Placing Signals==
[[Image:Standard signal dragging.png|left|thumb|200px|Basic Signalling]]
=== Basic Signalling ===
The first thing you should know is how use the basic signal dragging feature of OpenTTD: Build a signal (fastest Shortcut is A & S), left-click it and hold the button, drag it as far as you want to build signals. Release the button and the signals will be built. Very easy.
[[Image:Automatic signal completion.png|right|thumb|200px|Automatic Signal Completion]]
=== Automatic Signal Completion ===
Now we are ready to build signals and know how to use the basic feature of dragging. We can go a step further. Again Build a signal and drag it. While you are dragging it a little bit press the CTRL button and release it. The track will be filled up with signals until a breakpoint which are existing signals on the track, stations and junctions.
[[Image:Deleting signals.png|left|thumb|200px|Removing Signals]]
=== Removing Signals ===
It's also possible to remove Signals with the Automatic Completion feature. If you have build a track with signals, use the signal deletion function (Shortcut: A & S & R): click the signal, drag it while pressing the CTRL button and all the signals will be deleted. The breakpoints are stations and junctions.
=== Breakpoints ===
[[Image:Signalling breakpoints.png|right|thumb|200px|Breakpoints]]
Automatic Signal Completion won't stop at: '''Tunnels''' and '''Bridges'''
but stops at: Junctions, Stations and Existing Signals
==Checking anyway==
After you have "signaled" a track, you should optimize signaling at junctions, they might need a signal right before or after the interruption to avoid signal gaps.
[[Category:Basic networking]]

Latest revision as of 12:09, 2 December 2013

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  • This page was last modified on 2 December 2013, at 12:09.