Max Curve Speed

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Making trains keep their speed at maximum is key for keeping traffic fluent.

Numbering Convention

First of all it is necessary to realize how do we name curves by numbers. This is fairly simple - if you turn on the counting in game interface

Advanced settings -> Interface -> Display Options -> Display measurement tooltip...

Then we just use those values the game says. An exception however comes when the used curves are in between - one from each. In that case when for example between 1 and 2, we call it CL1.5 as the picture below demonstrates.

Curve convention.png

Travel speed mechanism

Here is how it is declared whether a train will slow down on a curve and eventually how:

Curve mechanism.png

Curve Speed

Easiest way to test how fast a train can go through a curve is to simply test it, but it can also be counted by taking:

the base curve speed table, and multiplying it by monorail or maglev bonus (50 or 100%) and/or tilt bonus (20%), and eventually also short wagons need to be considered as they can travel through curves faster. The short wagon bonus is about the same as tilt for NUTS short wagons (half the length of full length wagon)

The base curve speed can be found on the openttd wiki, but this graph demonstrates it too (plus monorail and maglev as well)

Curve speeds1.png

Special Curves

There are not always just full curves, but also Sbends and such. Counting their maximum speed is quite complicated so it is easier to just try it in game if the train slows down in the specific curve or not.

An example showing which corners are affected

See Also

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