From #openttdcoop wiki
Active Members of #openttdcoop
- Ammler
- Hylje
- Mucht
- Osai
- Progman
- thgergo
- valhallasw , BOFH, Wiki-god and mainly werkloos
- XeryusTC , Chairman of the #openttdcoop stupidness committee
Currently Inactive Members of #openttdcoop
Honorary Members of #openttdcoop
- Brianetta (our amiable host who is responsible for making #openttdcoop to such a vital community it is today)
- TrueLight (for being a bugfixer over ... a long time ;-) )
Aspirants of #openttdcoop
Note: "Aspirants" have Access to the Mainserver and editing-rights on the wiki
Players lose their status as 'Aspirants' if they are not seen on IRC for some time without leaving a note
The usual suspects around the Sandbox
- csuke
- Doke
- Gamer
- Green-devil
- hdp
- Ichi
- Ihmemies
- Juustro
- Nazirro
- Nickman
- Skasi
- Skidd13
- UnderBuilder
- Walle
- Zavior
And of course all the others above!