From #openttdcoop wiki
Please note: Many savegames require a certain version of OpenTTD to run since OpenTTD is not fully backward-compatible. Most games were played with a OpenTTD Nightly Version. Get the nightly at Starting with Sandbox Game 8, #openttdcoop introduced a set of additonal GRFs.
{{Archive_Sandbox|Sandbox Game 15|24.08.06 - 30.08.06|[[User:Jinx|Jinx]hylje, John, Ichi, Death, XeryusTC (you're not listed? help yourself or let us know on IRC)|Temperate - Rail+Maglev - ICE / SBahn-Concept|Varies|512x512|r6176 + #openttdcoop-GRF-Set||15|Image:SandboxGame15.png|A City area by Death}}