From #openttdcoop wiki
A formula to calculate the required amount of tunnels or bridges required to cross terrain, without disrupting the flow of the Mainline.
The formula is;
where x is TrainLength, y is TunnelLength and z is SignalGap
or in a simpler form:
"Tunnels Needed = TunnelLength / (TrainLength+SignalGap)"
Tunnel Length is the average span ( a good value would be the tiles between split and join)
Train Length is the minimum TL expected on that line
Signal Gap is the same as the setting in the 'Signal GUI' --(This defaults to 2 for openttdcoop and is fixed as such in the bot calculations)
On IRC you can use our bot JJ to calculate this for you using the following command:
@tunnels <TrainLength> <TunnelLength>
for reference, the bot command is:
"math calc ceil(max( 2, $2 / ( $1 + 2 )))"