From #openttdcoop wiki
The configuration file of the current public game:
[misc] display_opt = news_display_opt = 2863311530 news_ticker_sound = true fullscreen = false language = english.lng # This is an absolute minimum resolution. # But it reduces the cpu-usage drastically. /Osai resolution = 1,1 screenshot_format = savegame_format = rightclick_emulate = false sprite_cache_size = 2 [music] playlist = 0 music_vol = 100 effect_vol = 100 custom_1 = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,20,20,0,0,0,0,0 custom_2 = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 playing = false shuffle = false extmidi = timidity [gameopt] diff_custom = 0,0,2,0,500,4,2,2,0,0,2,2,2,1,0,0,0,0 diff_level = 3 currency = EUR units = metric town_name = english landscape = normal snow_line = 16 autosave = yearly road_side = right [patches] vehicle_speed = true status_long_date = true show_finances = true autoscroll = false reverse_scroll = false errmsg_duration = 5 toolbar_pos = 0 window_snap_radius = 10 invisible_trees = true population_in_label = true map_x = 9 map_y = 9 link_terraform_toolbar = true build_on_slopes = true extra_dynamite = true longbridges = true signal_side = true always_small_airport = false drag_signals_density = 2 realistic_acceleration = true forbid_90_deg = true mammoth_trains = true gotodepot = true roadveh_queue = true new_pathfinding_all = false train_income_warn = true order_review_system = 2 never_expire_vehicles = true lost_train_days = 180 autorenew = false autorenew_months = 6 autorenew_money = 100000 max_trains = 500 max_roadveh = 100 max_aircraft = 10 max_ships = 0 servint_ispercent = false servint_trains = 150 servint_roadveh = 150 servint_ships = 360 servint_aircraft = 100 no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns = true wagon_speed_limits = false join_stations = true full_load_any = true improved_load = true selectgoods = true new_nonstop = true nonuniform_stations = true station_spread = 64 serviceathelipad = true modified_catchment = true inflation = false build_rawmaterial_ind = false multiple_industry_per_town = true same_industry_close = true bribe = true snow_line_height = 4 colored_news_year = 2000 starting_year = 1950 ending_year = 2090 smooth_economy = true allow_shares = true ainew_active = false ai_in_multiplayer = false ai_disable_veh_train = false ai_disable_veh_roadveh = false ai_disable_veh_aircraft = false ai_disable_veh_ship = false keep_all_autosave = false autosave_on_exit = true max_num_autosaves = 16 bridge_pillars = true extend_vehicle_life = 0 auto_euro = true dist_local_authority = 20 wait_oneway_signal = 15 wait_twoway_signal = 41 pf_maxlength = 4096 pf_maxdepth = 48 npf_max_search_nodes = 10000 npf_rail_firstred_penalty = 1000 npf_rail_firstred_exit_penalty = 10000 npf_rail_lastred_penalty = 1000 npf_rail_station_penalty = 100 npf_rail_slope_penalty = 100 npf_rail_curve_penalty = 1 npf_rail_depot_reverse_penalty = 5000 npf_buoy_penalty = 200 npf_water_curve_penalty = 25 npf_road_curve_penalty = 1 npf_crossing_penalty = 300 land_generator = 1 oil_refinery_limit = 48 tgen_smoothness = 1 generation_seed = 1758461913 tree_placer = 2 heightmap_rotation = 0 progress_update_interval = 200 se_flat_world_height = 0 liveries = 2 measure_tooltip = false lost_train_warn = true prefer_teamchat = false disable_elrails = false freight_trains = 1 gradual_loading = true semaphore_build_before = 1910 road_stop_on_town_road = true npf_road_drive_through_penalty = 800 scrollwheel_scrolling = 0 scrollwheel_multiplier = 5 town_growth_rate = 1 larger_towns = 1 initial_city_size = 3 pause_on_newgame = false town_layout = 2 smooth_scroll = false advanced_vehicle_list = true adjacent_stations = true timetable_in_ticks = false loading_indicators = true timetabling = true [yapf] ship_use_yapf = false road_use_yapf = true rail_use_yapf = true disable_node_optimization = false max_search_nodes = 10000 rail_firstred_twoway_eol = true rail_firstred_penalty = 1000 rail_firstred_exit_penalty = 10000 rail_lastred_penalty = 1000 rail_lastred_exit_penalty = 10000 rail_station_penalty = 3000 rail_slope_penalty = 200 rail_curve45_penalty = 100 rail_curve90_penalty = 600 rail_depot_reverse_penalty = 5000 rail_crossing_penalty = 300 rail_look_ahead_max_signals = 10 rail_look_ahead_signal_p0 = 500 rail_look_ahead_signal_p1 = -100 rail_look_ahead_signal_p2 = 5 rail_longer_platform_penalty = 800 rail_longer_platform_per_tile_penalty = 0 rail_shorter_platform_penalty = 4000 rail_shorter_platform_per_tile_penalty = 0 road_slope_penalty = 200 road_crossing_penalty = 300 road_curve_penalty = 100 road_stop_penalty = 800 [currency] rate = 1 separator = " " to_euro = 0 prefix = "" suffix = "" [network] max_join_time = 5000 pause_on_join = true server_bind_ip = server_port = 3980 server_advertise = true lan_internet = 1 player_name = publicserver server_password = proving rcon_password = rconpass server_name = #openttdcoop - The Public Server connect_to_ip = network_id = 913eb7047e1fcd5362544ed5710e319b autoclean_companies = false autoclean_unprotected = 12 autoclean_protected = 36 restart_game_date = 0 restart_game_year = 0 max_companies = 1 max_clients = 10 max_spectators = 10 net_frame_freq = 2 min_players = 2 server_lang = ANY [servers] [bans] [autopilot] language = english responsiveness = 4 email = url = use_irc = yes use_mysql = yes use_console = yes randomize_password = yes password_list = /usr/share/dict/words password_frequency = 300000 authorized_players_only = no pause_level = -1 irc_server = irc_port = 6667 irc_user = autopilot irc_channel = #openttdcoop irc_bridge = yes irc_explicit_say = no irc_rcon = yes irc_nickserv = NICKSERV identify ircpass irc_commandchar = ! motd1 = Welcome, NAME, to the #openttdcoop - Public Server motd2 = For admin support, please email EMAIL motd3 = Please read the rules: recount_frequency = 300000 mysql_server = localhost mysql_database = openttdcoop mysql_user = myuser mysql_pass = mypass mysql_auth = yes mysql_prefix = autopilot_ mysql_gameserver = 2 command = nice ./openttd smtp_server = # The following are extra commands that can be used on an IRC channel. # The keyword alone, preceded by a !, will elicit the response defined here. # keyword = response [responses] url = URL email = My admin can be reached at EMAIL playercount = Number of players: PLAYERS companycount = Number of companies: COMPANIES (at last count) fish = Today's fish is Trout a la crème. Enjoy your meal. password = PASSWORD hufftherabbit = PASSWORD revision = Game version is OTTD wiki = blog = newgrf = Please use /msg for the newgrf list rss = junctionary = archive = | help = grf = hello = Hello, I am The Public Server - Enjoy your game and check the !fish. ip = [win32] display_hz = 0 force_full_redraw = false fullscreen_bpp = 8 double_size = false window_maximize = false [newgrf] ottdc_grfpack/def/ae_city/ae_cityw.GRF ottdc_grfpack/def/ae_rura/ae_ruraw.GRF ottdc_grfpack/def/ae_subu/ae_subuw.GRF ottdc_grfpack/def/basic_platforms/basic_platformsw.grf ottdc_grfpack/def/brickfreight/brickfreightw.GRF ottdc_grfpack/def/buffers/buffers.grf ottdc_grfpack/def/harbour/harbourw_456.grf ottdc_grfpack/def/jcindsta/jcindstaw.grf ottdc_grfpack/def/modernsuburban/modernsuburbanw.GRF ottdc_grfpack/def/newships/newshipsw.grf ottdc_grfpack/def/newstats/newstatsw.grf ottdc_grfpack/def/pb_av8/pb_av8w.grf ottdc_grfpack/def/pb_viaduct/pb_viaduct.grf ottdc_grfpack/def/planeset/planesetw_459.grf ottdc_grfpack/def/platforms/platformsw.GRF ottdc_grfpack/def/ttrs3/ttrs3w.GRF ottdc_grfpack/def/ukwaypoints/ukwaypointsw.grf ottdc_grfpack/jp/hirotram/hirotram_w_987.grf ottdc_grfpack/jp/japanset/japansetw.grf ottdc_grfpack/jp/jpset_bld/jpset_bldw.GRF ottdc_grfpack/jp/jpset_lnd/jpset_lndw.GRF ottdc_grfpack/jp/jpset_tre/jpset_trew.GRF ottdc_grfpack/jp/jpstats/jpstatsw.grf #ottdc_grfpack/uk/pb_ukrs/pb_ukrs.grf = 0 3 0 [newgrf-static] [news_display] arrival_player = full arrival_other = full accident = full company_info = full openclose = full economy = full advice = full new_vehicles = full acceptance = full subsidies = full general = full