From #openttdcoop wiki
Hello. Welcome to my little user page. My name is Rob. I use the nick Veritek on IRC, but just use Rob in-game and here on the wiki.
I have only been playing OpenTTD for a couple months, but I was a huge Railroad Tycoon fan. OpenTTD is an amazing game. Creating vast and complex train networks is inherently fascinating to me, and I throughly enjoy the large and intricate network created by #openttdcoop. Cooperative gaming is my favorite style of game play.
Interesting quotes:
- Public Game #87:
- [13:31] <publicserver> Rob:This network is a tribute to the craftiness of train engineers:
- [13:31] <publicserver> Rob: No matter how hard we try to stop them, they manage to find a way to get where they need to go!