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The cargo concept

As we call it "the usual thing" it is basically the type of game described in our guides. We start with one type of cargo (in the majority of cases it is the good old coal) and build up a network with a massive backbone where we try to transport all available units of the first cargo-type. If we have connected every production facility to our network we move on to the next cargo type and so on. One basic strategy is to route all cargo to one certain point (one factory, one refinery, one power plant, ...). To achieve a distributed load of our network we build the certain production facilities at destinations where some trains fit in the network - not using edges of the map which are already under heavy load. That's probably the most important point in this gametype.

From the point of network design we basically use the design described in our guide pages. We build massive backbones (usually 2x2 tracks) and connect production origins and destinations via sidelines. So the trains are always routet like "Station A - Sideline - Sideline->Mainline Hub -> Mainline/Mainline Hubs - Mainline->Sideline Hub -> Sideline -> Station B". Where the Sideline->Mainline Connections are called "Sideline Hubs" and the Mainline->Mainline intersections are called "Backbone Hubs". Be sure to always number the hubs and add your name like "built by ...." (so we always know who's responsible, a very important point in a joint game). In general, use signs to explain things - building large networks at #openttdcoop is also about explaining your ideas to other people who are currently not watching your game.

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