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Work In Progress This is a Guide, going from the very basics to advanced constructions. The guide is based on a coal train start, but includes other features over time.

IMPORTANT: These are guides. Other ways of building something are on the revlant page.

Guide: Getting Started (Entire page copied from OpenTTD wiki website.) Guide: Road Vehicle Feeders-How to supply low production Industries without trains. Guide: Creating a basic Ro-Ro Station-Increasing throughput at the power plant. Guide: Your first Mainline-Reducing unnecessary slowdowns. Guide: Priorities on your Mainline merges-Approaching a free-flowing Mainline Guide: Introducing the Main Station Hub-No station queues, all day, every day Guide: What's Next?-What to learn next, and how to go deeper into what you learned. Note to editors: include other industries, SRNWs, Overflows, Passengers, Mail, and Secondary Processing, etc.

  • Except for small stations and if you don't flood stations, which makes sense sometimes.
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