
From #openttdcoop wiki

Revision as of 22:46, 2 July 2008 by Yexo (Talk | contribs)

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  • check for 404 at pw url (grep -c "404 Not Found" = 0)
  • using built in bundle creator

Running with Cygwin

If you're running Autostart with cygwin, and it fails to check the revision from the server, make sure to check if curl is correctly installed. You can try running curl from the command line. If you get something along the lines of "curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information", it's installed ok. If you get nothing, execute 'echo $?" as the next line. If that gives '53' as output, you're missing some dlls. Check with cygcheck curl which dlls you're missing.

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