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Real name: Cyril Chovet

Born: 1978

Home: Lille, France fr.gif

Homepage: (Not quite TT-related, but hell it eats the other 99% of my time !)

Started with TT: Got some thousands of hours on TT back in 1998 (good ol' student time !), then occasional player

Cooperative player: Back with OTTD and discovered #openttdcoop on Feb 2009... First PS game #131

PSG 137 : 3<->5 splitter / joiner, many little modifications to other people work., prios, signalling, redesigning to avoid PBS, etc.

PSG 133 : Two BBH that last only a few hours... Well, SML design is still out of my reach !

PSG 132 : PLA network - BBH on LLRR (almost ok except for some CL...) - not quite happy with feeder design (PAX seems really not my cup of tea)

PSG 131 : 1 station with SLH, some prios... Petty gamer !

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  • This page was last modified on 13 April 2009, at 14:15.