From #openttdcoop wiki
My Person
Born: 1977, never to old for playing OTTD :)
Home: CH,
Started playing TTD: Transport Tycoon (not deluxe) was my first PC Game (around 11 years), then played TTDPatch (4 Years ago) and now since 15 months OpenTTD
Joined #openttdcoop: 1 and a half year (check history)
Specialist on: dunno
Prefers: trying something new, low terraforming
My Drafts:
My Servers
They can be used for "high usage" games, every Admin of #openttdcoop have SSH Access here too.
My Patches
No client limit
Sometimes, we had more then 10 clients connected at our public server, so I was wondering how difficult it is to change this limit. As I'm not a c-programmer, it was very easy to change it.
Here is a screen:
and here the patch:
Note: Its possible to rise client limit to 11 on server side without need of patching clients. (Done with public server) Patch for that limit: (this part is already in trunk)
Remote admin for dedicated server
This patch is only a Idea, how difficulty would it be to make a patch, that a client could login with a special password (rcon) and "take over" the server, so, you were able to patch running game with the GUI.
No hardcoded "give money" limit
On not coop game, I liked to help someone and gave him 100 Millions Pounds (5 times 20 Millions, because 20Millions is the hardcoded limit). If you set on Inflation (or more not switch off, cause inflation on is default). Later he had borrowed more then 20 Millions from the bank and asked me to give more money an other time. I wasn't able to give him, because you can't give less money than the receiver has already borrowed. So its impossible to help someone solving from bankrupting, if he has borrowed too much.
Disabling automatically starting industries
My NewGRFs
GRFID prefix: 4D 47 ("MG")
1. Nothing 1.0
Maybe the best NewGRF ever released. ;) GRF: nothing.grf Page: nothing.grf
2. Amden
under development
3. Aircraft Modificator 1.0 beta
should bring some challenge back :) GRF: airmod.grf NFO: airmod.nfo
4. Swiss Town Names
5. #openttdcoop NewGRF package Info GRF
GRFID: 4D 47 05 01
6. Logic engine
Replaces Lev3 with max speed and power