
From #openttdcoop wiki

Revision as of 01:29, 26 August 2006 by Ammler (Talk | contribs)

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Because there are some server limits for the coop games. I like to test an other game type.

The Idea is, you have to download a save load it to your client and play i.e. 10 years. Then upload it to the wiki for someone else, he will download it and continue this game and so on....

I will begin this with 2 saves:

  1. new empty map:
  1. a save from the sb (Nr. 7)

The game has about 1350 trains and isn't playable on the server anymore, but should be possible on "strong" clients: openttd.cfg Lust and Glory.sav

  • - 2090: Sandboxers did the network, 1350 trains, ...
  • 2090 - 3000 / Ammler: improved joiner on SLH13, rebuild splitter/joiner in Drundwill...
  • 3000 - 3010 / :
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