Junctionary - Stations

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The Junctionary
JunctionaryAll.png View all Objects in the Junctionary
JunctionaryBBH.png Backbone Hubs
JunctionarySLHs.png Sideline Hubs
JunctionaryMergers.png Mergers
JunctionaryStations.png Stations
JunctionaryCityNetworks.png City Networks
JunctionaryLogicAndOther.png Logic and Other

Stations (what is that?)
Date Screenshot Specification Description Creator additional
Psg102 coaldrop.png
Simple RoRo station for three incoming tracks. Simple but effective balancing precedes the platforms (upper part). The exit is unbalanced Unkown

Roroentrance 1.PNG
RoRo entrance for a 2-lane ML. s_m_w Notice that trains on both lanes can access all platforms

Ballenced Pre-signal Bypass Entry.png
Balanced Presignal Bypass Station thomashauk A combination of the two above, the diagonal lines in avoid sharp corners. Notice the PBS for the balancer and the room left for queuing.

Roroeexit 1.PNG
RoRo exit for a 2-lane ML. Notice that trains from each platform can enter each ML. Also they have a complete TL before the "X" so that a train can always leave the station properly before it may stop again planetmaker Public Server game #89

Pre Basic.png
Pre Basic Pre-signal Terminus Station

KenjiE20 Very low throughput

PBS Basic.png
PBS Basic PBS-signal Terminus Station
Note the lack of signals on platforms, PBS takes care of that automatically

KenjiE20 Moderate throughput

PBS Non Ideal.png
PBS Mildly complex Multi-line Terminus Station
NOT recommended under normal circumstances, but when space/money/Terra-forming is an issue this can be a good stop-gap
Note use of only diagonals to avoid blocking from crossing trains

Thijs --TBC Should set path_backoff_interval=1 or 2 if you use this

PBS alternating.png
PBS A highly flexible Single or Multi-line Terminus Station
Can be fit around the landscape with relative ease

Unknown (Various) Moderate/High throughput

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