
From #openttdcoop wiki

Revision as of 12:38, 4 September 2006 by Ammler (Talk | contribs)

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Ok, here it is, based on my draft AmmlersRoundBased (this is still draft too, but without my name ;)


  1. Do only download if you really like to play now.
  2. Do respect our rules from this wiki.
  3. Downloading is allowed for everybody
  4. To reupload a save, you should be at least listed on our Userspage (editing rights are needed)
  5. Do ask on IRC, if there are others who like to join you on YOUR server. (Dunno, if its possible, but should be tried.)
  6. Immediately, upload if you have finished a part, at least about every 5 years.
  7. Add comments to your upload, like
    • when started/finished
    • whats done
    • what should be done next
    • any problems
    • etc.


  1. File:RBC001.sav (Based on SB Game 9)

The Idea now, is to beginn a game on SB i.e. with size 1024x1024 where can be continued on private clients/server...

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