From #openttdcoop wiki
Active Members of #openttdcoop [16]
- Ammler (Admin)
- dihedral aka "dih"
- Hylje
- Kommer (Admin)
- Mark
- Mucht (Admin)
- Osai (Admin)
- Phazorx (Admin)
- planetmaker
- Progman
- SmatZ
- thgergo
- tneo
- Thraxian
- valhallasw , BOFH, Wiki-god and mainly werkloos (Admin)
- XeryusTC , Chairman of the #openttdcoop stupidness committee (Admin)
Note: Admins have shell access to our servers, all others have rcon access
Honorary Members of #openttdcoop [2]
- Brianetta (our amiable host who is responsible for making #openttdcoop to such a vital community it is today) (Admin)
- TrueLight (for being a bugfixer over ... a long time ;-) )
Currently Inactive Members of #openttdcoop [8]
The usual suspects around the Public Server [35]
- Addi
- Alanin
- AntB
- Combuster
- Dark_Link
- DJNekkid
- Doke
- Dopefish
- einKarl
- Farden
- Floffe
- fmauNeko
- Godde
- hzzzln
- Jinx
- Kejhic
- Kolbur
- Kolo
- Kul
- Levi
- LittleMikey
- Logix
- LordAzamath
- mixrin
- Phoenix the II
- Pikita
- sbn
- Shader
- Skasi
- S m w
- Tautrimas
- thomashauk
- Tim
- Walle
- welterde
- Zuu
And of course all the others above!
Exsuspects [45]
If you are on the ex-suspects list and you start playing again, please move yourself up to the suspects list ! If you are still active and on the ex-suspects list, sorry for the moving :) we sometimes cannot find an IRC log of you while you are still active
- Alendo
- Bob27
- ChrisM
- Cipri
- csuke
- Davil
- eJoJ
- EmiT
- Franco
- Gamer
- Green-devil
- Hans
- hdp
- Ichi
- Ihmemies
- itsnotvalid
- John
- Juustro
- MDGrein
- MooUK
- N101
- Nazirro
- Nitehawk
- OwenS
- Phil
- RaWt
- Red
- RichK
- Rob
- Sedontane
- SerriaRomeo
- Sian
- Skasi
- Skidd13
- Spectre100
- Stoffe
- strstrep
- Teddy
- UnderBuilder
- Vinni3
- Volny
- Zavior