Game Date:
06.05.07 - 25.06.07
Usual suspects:
Phazorx, Dark_Link, thgergo, Kolo, alanin, Osai, hylje, XeryusTC, eJoJ, WhySheepKill, SwordFish, JameiLei, Tino, Mucht, Cipri, Zr40, Kul, handi, Adm.Spock, Schlauke, altaree (extend)
Alpine Climate + UKRS
4 tile trains
Version used:
r9796-r10170 + #openttdcoop-GRF-Set
The game was very slow at start due to unorthodox and complex mainline design. Eventualy most structure was in place, and we learne that server capacity is much lower than network can handle. 500 trains were handled moving quite fast with no major issues. Osai has started quest for alternative server to continue the game, and thanks to Alanin we got one! Game has grown nearly to 1000 trains (however network capacity was closer to 850, past that amout of trains hiccups bacame quite often).
One of farm group terminals, producing about 7500 units of combined cargo per month served by more tha 80 trains.