PublicServer:Archive - Games 121 - 130

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Public Server Game 130
Game Date: 16.02.09-21.02.09
Usual suspects: Combuster, h3rzb1ut, wouterr, Ammler, planetmaker, narc, ODM, Talonius, HDIEagle, Sedontane, andyp (extend)
Gametype: Cargo Concept
Trainlength: 2
Mapsize: 256x256 Temperate
Version used: r15495 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 7.3
Remarks: Pretty standard cargo concept with TL 2 trains, which made for a lot of editing in various places, including a total rebuild of one of the major stations at one point.
Showing the Wood + Oil Drop station, which got completely rebuilt halfway through the game, to cope with increased traffic.
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Public Server Game 129
Game Date: 11.02.09-16.02.09
Usual suspects: Mark, Combuster, h3rzb1ut, LUADuck, wouterr, davis, Ammler, planetmaker, narc (extend)
Gametype: ICE S-Bahn
Trainlength: 3
Mapsize: 256x512 Temperate
Version used: r15495 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 7.3
Remarks: The game was a pax-only game with feeder services bringing passengers to a few mainline hubs, which were then connected using point-to-point links.
Showing the most striking feature of game 129, a set of (very long) tunnels by Mark
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Public Server Game 128
Game Date: 29.01.09-11.02.09
Usual suspects: Combuster, Xaroth, Bennythen00b, H3rzb1ut, Thraxian, andyp (extend)
Gametype: Cargo Concept
Trainlength: 5 & 12
Mapsize: 512x512 Toyland to Mars
Version used: r15235 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 7.3
Remarks: We uses the Toyland2Mars conversion grf for this game. The map was devided in two, primary cargo from the south half was processed in the south and those from the north half in the north. The processed cargo was then transported to the other half of the map by maglev trains.
The Northern main station and town, giving a good impression of the game.
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Public Server Game 127
Game Date: 12.01.09-29.01.09
Usual suspects: planetmaker, tneo, Mazen, Bennythen00b, EinKarl, Torben Paw, andyp (extend)
Gametype: Cargo Concept
Trainlength: 8 & 16
Mapsize: 512x1024 Alpine
Version used: r15235 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 7.3
Remarks: The network in this game consisted of two separate networks, short (8 tiles) e-rail trains used one network while 16-tile long maglev trains distributed goods. The plan chosen involved coop-style terraforming, though this didn't work out as intended which caused the game to be a bit in-active, also the Alpine climate newgrf caused strange clusters of industries at some places.
Showing a nice SLH which is a good example of working with the terrain.
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Public Server Game 126
Game Date: 09.01.09-12.01.09
Usual suspects: Combuster, valhallasw, damalix, Freiksenet, Hylkevd, AntB, Mucht, OwenS, Torben Paw, thgergo (extend)
Gametype: Chaos & ICE S-Bahn
Trainlength: 11
Mapsize: 256x1024 Temperate
Version used: r14996 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 7.3
Remarks: Chaos Theory got refurbished and applied in this game. The map was divided into provinces with individual players building and managing the S-Bahn in their own place, with a global network connecting the main stations. Even though the network layout was left undefined, good cooperation resulted in a nice network with well over a thousand vehicles. Highlight of this game is the invention of the C-Bahn, which proved extremely effective at transporting passengers within the town.
A nice area created by thgergo with an SBAHN system, trams and busses, unluckily the airport didn't start servicing before the game was finished. Though this reminds me a bit of Tokyo as the thematic of this game was Japan and we used Japan-NewGrfs
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Public Server Game 125
Game Date: 01.01.09-09.01.09
Usual suspects: Combuster, valhallasw, StarLite, Elske, damalix, Freiksenet, Hylkevd, andyp, AntB, einKarl, SmatZ, Torben Paw (extend)
Gametype: Cargo Concept
Trainlength: 5 / 7 / 20
Mapsize: 512x512 Temperate
Version used: r14922 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 7.3
Remarks: A scenario proposed by progman where all cargo should be brought to a city on a remote island. A plan was developed employing advanced techniques like SML and variable trainlengths. During the game the SML turned out to be very handy when parts of the ML needed upgraded from 3 lanes to 6 in some locations.
The largest station in the game
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Public Server Game 124
Game Date: 29.12.08-01.01.09
Usual suspects: Mark, XeryusTC, valhallasw, StarLite, Elske, flexd, Roujin, Hylkevd, ODM (extend)
Gametype: Cargo Concept
Trainlength: 3
Mapsize: 512x512 Temperate
Version used: r14768 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 7.2
Remarks: An old skool type game with Huge TF allowed, Short TL, maglev & 20 billion starting cash. No time was wasted and the network quickly came together. The game reached over 1700 trains before some people had trouble joining.
1 of the bigger stations in the game
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Public Server Game 123
Game Date: 24.12.08-29.12.08
Usual suspects: planetmaker, tneo, Mark, XeryusTC, valhallasw, StarLite, Elske, flexd (extend)
Gametype: Cargo Concept
Trainlength: 5
Mapsize: 512x1024 Northpole
Version used: r14768 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 7.2
Remarks: planetmaker provided a special christmas scenario for this game. The initial 4-lane wide ML soon started to show signs of stress and was extended to 6R_3L at places. No very advanced techniques this game but lots of fully-loaded mainlines and spectaculair hubs to admire.
Santa's Home
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Public Server Game 122
Game Date: 18.12.08-24.12.08
Usual suspects: SmatZ, planetmaker, tneo, andyp, StarLite, OwenS (extend)
Gametype: Cargo Concept + PAX
Trainlength: 5
Mapsize: 2048x256 Subtropical
Version used: r14660 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 7.2
Remarks: The map featured two towns seperated by a rift "The Wall" in the middle which couldn't be tunneled or bridged. Goods and pax needed to be transported across as the cities needed to be grown to 100k population each. A SML-style network with two transfer stations at each side was developed. We ended with over a 1000 trains and 200 ships. In the end network capacity was reached and spurious jams started to show.
Sheffield station serving over 500 trains. Using conditional orders allowed to pass by using full load and use this station as drop and pickup at the same time without having empty trains traveling around.
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Public Server Game 121
Game Date: 13.12.08-18.12.08
Usual suspects: SmatZ, Bennythen00b, Mark, ODM, Osai, Kirov (extend)
Gametype: Self-Regulating Network, Cargo Concept
Trainlength: 5
Mapsize: 512x512 Temperate
Version used: r14660 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 7.2
Remarks: The goal of was to transport enough grain and livestock to produce 100,000 crates of goods per month.[1]. Later in the game we were limited by OTTD production limit of secondaries, which is roughly 2295 per industry tile per month. For factories, it means 27,540 crates of goods per month - so we had to build four factories and balance them well. We managed to accomplish our goal in 2177. The self-regulating game concept was very interesting, there were many clever ideas how to make the best (in means of effectivity, niceness, speed, ...) self-regulating loops and stations. See the blog entry for more information.
Our central drop station with factories, at the point where we hit the 100k goal. The factories are fed by an amazing 21 fully-loaded Mainlines.
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