PublicServer:Archive - Games 241 - 250

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Public Server Archive II
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Public Server Game 250
Game Date: 8.12.2012 - 01.01.2013
Usual suspects: V453000, Dom, dwarf, mfb, LoPo, Maraxus, Vinnie, sturmi, XeryusTC, Ryton,Mark, Absolutis, Kalaidos, Jam35, Syl59, Gregor-PLNL (extend)
Gametype: Chaos
Trainlength: TL 5
Mapsize: 512 x 512 Mars
Version used: r24865 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
Remarks: This game was all about chaos. How much mess can you make and still make it work? After messing around quite a lot we got 1400 trains running without any significant jams.
An industry cluster, where the sideline branches look quite chaotic.
Download: Public Server Game 250 Final / Direct Link to this entry

Public Server Game 249
Game Date: 28.11.2012 - 8.12.2012
Usual suspects: Tray, Dom, dwarf, mfb, LoPo, Maraxus, Vinnie, sturmi, Sylf, Bassals, Chris Booth, Technica, Kalaidos, Okami_Xci, Dr-Dinosaur, Gregor-PLNL, BenTotterdell (extend)
Gametype: Cargo
Trainlength: TL 3
Mapsize: 256 x 256 Tropic
Version used: r24784 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
Remarks: This game we made a giant roundabout with empty trains in the inner loop and full trains on the outer loop. Combine this with dropping secondary cargo at the sidelines makes an interesting game. We quickly realized that trains took shortcuts through sidelines so we had to make these paths invisible to trains. Hence the abundant use of reversers and terminus stations. We ended the game with the main loops having 7 lines and 1100 trains.
Factory exit, with reversers and merge into the inner ring.
Download: Public Server Game 249 Final / Direct Link to this entry

Public Server Game 248
Game Date: 12.11.2012 - 28.11.2012
Usual suspects: V453000, Tray, Dom, dwarf, mfb, LoPo, Maraxus, Vinnie, sturmi, Sylf, BenTotterdell, Chris Booth (extend)
Gametype: Cargo
Trainlength: TL 9
Mapsize: 512 x 512 Arctic
Version used: r24673 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
Remarks: After many short TL games, we decided to play a game with TL 9 and Superstrong engines, also the ML had to be in the valleys which made the game more interesting. There are some nice samples of feeder systems, from normal feeders, beautiful eye-candy feeders and also a small SRNW. After a while some parts of the ML needed expanding leading to LLL-RRR and also to LLLL-RRRR. At the end we had 1344 trains running, but many of them are just feeder Trains. All in all it was a fun game with some nice hubs hidden in the valleys.
SLH 03, where the LLLL-RRRR story began!
Download: Public Server Game 248 Final / Direct Link to this entry

Public Server Game 247
Game Date: 4.11.2012 - 12.11.2012
Usual suspects: V453000, Sylf, mfb, XeryusTC, Vinnie, BenTotterdell, Dom, Tray, Maraxus, Jam35, Chris Booth, Steven, GLAD0S, DrDinosaurs, Woodbutcher, Absolutis, Syl59 (extend)
Gametype: Pax
Trainlength: TL 6
Mapsize: 512 x 512 Temperate
Version used: r24673 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
Remarks: This time, we played a chaos pax game. Because of the lack of firm ML plan, the main lines grew slowly, but nicely. There are nice samples of SBahs seen in many towns. After a while, a portion of mainline was expanded from LL_RR to LLL_RRR. The game ended with just over 1100 trains on the map.
Welcome to Jurassic Park!
Download: Public Server Game 247 Final / Direct Link to this entry

Public Server Game 246
Game Date: 25.10.2012 - 4.11.2012
Usual suspects: V453000, Sylf, mfb, Mark, XeryusTC, Ammler, Vinnie, sturmi , BenTotterdell, Dom, Tray, Maraxus, Jam35, Chris Booth, Steven, GLAD0S (extend)
Gametype: Cargo
Trainlength: TL 3
Mapsize: 512 x 512 Temperate
Version used: r24636 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
Remarks: After some more complex games we decided to make a classic easy game. We started with LL_RR and TL3 - what can go wrong then? Little did we know that a few days ago the amount of lines skyrocketed as we expanded the whole network multiple times, reaching up to 5-6 lines in some spots with 1777 trains which do not accelerate too well. This however is not the end as we continue to play the game on the ProZone.
Doing a sightseeing on this map is full of attractions, BBH04 being one of them.
Download: Public Server Game 246 Final / Direct Link to this entry

Public Server Game 245
Game Date: 11.10.2012 - 25.10.2012
Usual suspects: V453000, mfb, Mark, BenTotterdell, Dom, Tray, Woodbutcher, Sassafrass, Maraxus (extend)
Gametype: Cargo - FIRS
Trainlength: TL 5 & 7
Mapsize: 512 x 512 Arctic
Version used: r24610 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
Remarks: This was one of the most special and creative games we have played in a long time. First off, we had FIRS loaded in the game. That means we have to take care of the supplies and deliver them to the primaries somehow - not to mention all the other industries and their stuff. To do this, we chose a special trick with refit - by using one universal NUTS wagon per train which would be able to load supplies, and the rest being only for the primary cargo we were able to reach a nice systematic way of primaries supplying themselves. This method was applied to all industries and allowed even to the chains which do not produce supplies on their own - by a central station where supplies were made, and also taken back from all the directions. As some wagons did not allow the trick to work, we had to create a special pickup for farm supplies, enhanced by a lot of logic - guaranteeing that a train loads only 1 wagon worth of supplies. Apart from that there appeared various primary stations, double-stations for farms, or even clusters of industries. All in all this game was very interesting. The resulting final stage has almost 1500 trains with no jams.
The supply production in the center made the network work as a whole.
Download: Public Server Game 245 Final / Direct Link to this entry

Public Server Game 244
Game Date: 20.9.2012 - 11.10.2012
Usual suspects: Sylf, mfb, V453000, Dom, Absolutis, Ryton, Maraxus, BenTotterdell, Tray, elecRules (extend)
Gametype: Cargo
Trainlength: TL 3
Mapsize: 512 x 512 Temperate
Version used: r24463 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
Remarks: Untypically, this time we chose some nice steamer engines. While slow, they allowed for some short curves (CL2), but were quite vulnerable to slowdowns in hills. At the same time that meant their acceleration can be greatly increased when going downhill, which we tried to abuse. The game ended with exactly 1000 trains after we expanded a few spots.
BBH01 with a lot of downhill merges.
Download: Public Server Game 244 Final / Direct Link to this entry

Public Server Game 243
Game Date: 2.9.2012 - 20.9.2012
Usual suspects: Mark, ATDT,Dom, mfb, V453000, Ryton, Tray, Maraxus, Various, Chris Booth Absolutis (extend)
Gametype: Cargo + goods
Trainlength: TL 2
Mapsize: 256 x 256 Sub-arctic
Version used: r24463 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
Remarks: In this small map the main goal was to get a nice and smooth network with train length of 2. A common network plan was set up, with many BBHs' and SLHs'. At the point of finalizing, the main line had up to 4-5 lines at some points in the network, and up to 1100 trains where using it.
The south-eastern area. Can you tell where the hubs begin and end?
Download: Public Server Game 243 Final / Direct Link to this entry

Public Server Game 242
Game Date: 12.08.12 - 2.9.2012
Usual suspects: Absolutis, Firestar,Maraxus, Mazur, mfb, Ryton, sam0737, Tray, Dom, Vinnie V453000 (extend)
Gametype: Cargo + goods
Trainlength: TL 5
Mapsize: 512 x 512 Temperate
Version used: r24463 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
Remarks: A ringlike mainline is often an ingredient of coop games on the PSG-server, but only rarely the joins and merges are separated as in this game: Four intertwined sidelines delivered full raw trains to their private drop area. Afterwards, empty raw trains used the main ring to reach their sideline entry again, in competition with full goods trains that made their way to the 2 central drops.
One of four primary drops and good pickup areas in the game. Note priority given to full goods trains instead of typical priority to the mainline.
Download: Public Server Game 242 Final / Direct Link to this entry

Public Server Game 241
Game Date: 02.08.12 - 12.8.2012
Usual suspects: V453000, mfb, Chris Booth, LoPo, Ryton, ODM, MrD2DG, Maraxus, Mazur, Sassafrass, McDonald (extend)
Gametype: Passengers
Trainlength: TL 6
Mapsize: 1024 x 256 Sub-tropic
Version used: r24349 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
Remarks: Another passenger game with a lot of different S-Bahn systems. We connected all stations to a single ML along the map, with 4 lanes per direction
A new SBahn-concept, where all connections are made outside. This allows a high density of buildings in the city.
Download: Public Server Game 241 Final / Direct Link to this entry
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  • This page was last modified on 9 May 2013, at 21:53.