Game Date:
11.06.2013 - 27.06.2013
Usual suspects:
Sylf, mfb, LoPo, Maraxus, Vinnie, Brumi, ZxBiohazardZx, scshunt, fonsinchen (extend)
Pax Cargodist
TL 5
512 x 512 Temperate
Version used:
r25385 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
We tried the brand new feature that was committed to OpenTTD trunk lately - cargo distribution. We started by coop's standard ICE/SBahn networks. Most players were puzzled by how passengers decided on their destinations and their routes. And many didn't bother to try to solve the cargo balance issue too seriously. Players quickly lost interest in this game, so we're abandoning this game incomplete.
The network of train connections, most of them are served well