Game Date:
Usual suspects:
Jam35, V453000, Mark, LoPo, Sylf, Dom, nicfer, RTM, Anson, Big_Meech, iTKerry, jrambo, Maraxus, MrD2DG, RexConnors (extend)
TL 2
256 x 256 Toyland/Mars
Version used:
r25734 #openttdcoop-GRF-Pack 8.0
This game proves the strong vitality of the slugs. We have 1000 slugs crossing each others' paths everywhere on the map, keeping themselves busy, defying the space radiation and any other harsh condition they face. The network design itself is simple in concept - a circle in the middle, attach hubs accordingly. Secondaries were taken to two drops each - this was the unique feature of the plan, but the construction of the network isn't much different from others. We still have nice LLL_RRR ring and one main station line with LLLL_RRRR in the final stage of the game. Behold the SLUGS!
This shows most of the main circle in the middle and nice number of hubs attached to it..